Welcome to Teen Drug Addiction

teen addiction

The purpose of this site is to help teens, parents, families, and friends who may have a loved one who is struggling with drug and alcohol issues.  Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of teen drug addiction and what warning signs are associated with teenage alcoholism and drug use; such as cocaine, heroin, tobacco, and marijuana.  Our goal is to help teen alcoholics, teens who are addicted to drugs, and adolescents who may be experimenting with drugs find therapy or treatment to overcome these addictions and behaviors.

Substance Abuse and Depression
Substance abuse and depression are linked in teens. This article defines depression, explains substance abuse, offers tips on recognizing depression in teens, gives an overview of the relationship between depression and substance abuse amongst teenagers.
Overview of Teenage Drug Addiction
In this Overview of Teenage Drug Addiction we learn about what the stages of drug addiction and drug abuse are. This article also talks about which drugs are commonly abused by teenagers and what effect each drug has on the teen.
Teen Salvia Leaf Use
Salvia leaf comes from the salvia divinorum plant. According to recent teen drug use statistics, teen salvia leaf use is on the rise. If you are not aware of this hallucinogenic drug teens are abusing, and the signs and symptoms of teen salvia use, this article is a must read.
Residential Drug Treatment for Teens
Residential drug treatment for teens differ somewhat from adult residential treatment facilities. This article offers examples of residential treatment centers for teens using drugs. These facilities often offer teens clinical treatment, academics, therapeutic options, and more.